
Campus LAN / WAN Solution


Networks exhibit diverse shapes and characteristics, facilitating the optimal and efficient use of communication and other functions. Prior to the emergence of the World Wide Web and the Internet, networks were segmented based on specific connectivity requirements. However, in instances where privacy and security are paramount, Local Area Networks (LANs) are still deployed to ensure seamless communication under designated protocols. This safeguards the network against external interference and disruptions. Nonetheless, it remains essential for members of the campus or local area to establish connections with the external environment. The internet, a ubiquitous form of Wide Area Network (WAN), is considered indispensable for facilitating connectivity. Exileo Technologies is proficient in implementing effective measures for constructing and deploying LAN/WAN network layouts.

Typically, these plans extend across college or university campuses worldwide. However, some companies and organizations may also possess large-scale campuses that host a significant number of people. In all scenarios, Exileo experts can adeptly provide unparalleled connectivity facilities and undertake the task of designing the network infrastructure on a large scale. Effective application of network layout knowledge and implementation is crucial in ensuring positively connected and uninterrupted communication for individuals across the campus. Exileo effectively provides comprehensive network solutions through strategically placed construction points and clearly defined demarcations.


What’s on offer:

  • Effective assessment and solution presentation from experienced personnel.
  • Full construction and realization of the entire network arrangement.
  • Programming capabilities required to design the entire system from the ground up.
  • Active advanced security and protection software application.
  • Full-blown supply of the necessary hardware required to realize the entire project around the campus.